Barley Guitars

Authentic and Handcrafted

Barley Pickup Sets -

The Revelation PAF - A Vintage voiced PAF

The Revelation uses Alinco 2 Magnets, MWS 42awg PE wire, Gavitt braided push back wire, Nickel covers, Zebra Bobbins and Wood spacer. Unpotted.

$225 - per set

Resurrected PAF - Custom wind PAF

Your choice - Some common mods are A5 magnets, A5 in neck - A2 in bridge, 4 wire configurations, no covers, Parallel wound. Potted or not.

$250 - per set


P90 - Vintage spec soapbar or dogear P90s

S50/ S60 - Single Coil sets

T50/T60 - T Style Bridge and Neck Sets

Quoted when spec’d.

Barley Harnesses

V335 – 345 Harnesses - Vintage wired harness for Gibson 335 and 345 guitars.

Switchcraft toggle, CTS Audio Taper 550K pots. Sprague Orange Drop Caps, Gavitt Vintage wire and Pure Tone output jack. Optional pigtails for pickups

$120 per harness

Barley V-tone - Varitone 335 circuit

Faithfull recreation of the Gibson circuit with Modern components.

$250 per harness

S and T style Ciruits - Same quality comonents

Quoted when spec’d

Installation and Restoration services and available.